Annette Merkenthaler 14 september - 13 december 2016

Something about my Garden

Annette Merkenthaler was born 1944 in Bayrischzell. She lives and works in Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany. She has realized site specific projects in the interdisciplinary field of photography and installation as well as exhibitions in galleries and public places.
Her subject matter is landscape, including her personal garden, in which she typically intervenes through juxtaposition, displacement and transformation with natural and “real” elements. She aims to do something in order to be able to observe. Her goal is to investigate “seeing”. In her photographic work every single photo is a concrete “act”, a limited whole, and an interpretation of “now”.
The final photo work is the result of a specific installation and the play with different layers in the tangible, material world. We can see leaves of flowers, fixed with needles on a photo showing flowers, or an image of a goldfish, printed on paper, laying for a while in the water basin waiting for the encounter with his “model” fish.

AM published books about her work in relation to its context; Detras de los Jardínes, Mexico 2009, Toujours à nouveau au bord du Fleuve, Québec, Canada 2011, Und sehen wie das Gras wächst, Freiburg, Berlin, Germany 2016 (all in modo Verlag, Freiburg)

Arche Pferd



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